Character Art
I've been playing around (read: taking and refusing to give back) with my partner's new Microsoft Surface Pro, and squiggling away. It's been a long time since I've done anything along the lines of visual art, but I thought it might be fun to have a play around and try my hand at drawing my characters.
If you're subscribed to my newsletter, you would've seen these already a few weeks back (and if you're not subscribed, head here and sign up down the bottom for exclusive first peek at content like this!).

"Elliot swivelled around on his chair and peeked at my phone. “Why do you even have Facebook? It’s so much better to actually see your friends.” “Yes, well, at least when I talk to my friends, they remember it the next day,” I said without looking up. “Touché.”"

James (left):
"If there was one thing James didn’t stand for, it was falling short of perfection. He approached life like he was sprinting down a hill. As though as long as he concentrated and held full speed, he’d keep his traction. Sometimes I worried about what would happen if he misstepped."
Ash (right):
"When (Ash) was there, I slowed down and saw where I was instead of where I wanted to go."

"I climbed onto the bed and pressed my body against James’s. He pushed his work away and pulled me closer, his hand going straight to my hair. “What’s up?” he asked. My body fit right into his. I stared at the wall. Plain cream. Bare. Dull. “The problem with being happy,” I said, “Is that you miss it that much more when it’s gone.”"